Call us: 1-800-420-9652

Aklavik Ice Road Tour

Drive on the famous Ice Road to the remote community of Aklavik.

from $1100

  • Winter
  • Day Tours
  • Family Friendly / Easy

We’ll drive on the Aklavik ice road to the Inuvialuit Community of Aklavik. Highlights of this trip include a spectacular view of the Richardson Mountains along the way as well as a visit to the famous Mad Trapper’s grave site, a Town Tour of Aklavik with your local guide, and your stop at our Okpik Arctic Village. You will get to stop here for a cultural lunch, surrounded by igloos, Ice Inukshuks, and Towering Tipis. Throughout your experience you get to learn of the unique history and culture of this isolated northern community as well as the drive on our frozen highway.

Passengers have the option to return to Inuvik by air versus ice road for an additional cost.

Contact us

10-12 hours

Upcoming Dates

  • Upon request

Tour/Package Includes

  • Meals

  • Travel by Car All Transportation and Personal Guide

More Details

  • Itinerary
  • What to Bring
  • Cancellation Policy
    • This is a full day of adventure, meet at our office at 8am and leave the rest up to us!
    • You will get a 3 hour drive down the Aklavik Ice road to the historic community of Aklavik. once arrived you will do a 2 hour town tour with your local guide. Afterwords you will be driven to Tundra North Tour’s exclusive aurora viewing station for a cultural lunch. Here you will be surrounded by igloo’s, Ice inuksuks’, and towering Teepees while you eat traditional food and hear ancient stories of the Inuit people from this region. Once Lunch is completed, you will be taken back to our office in Inuvik.
    • A Camera!
    • Warm clothes, a bottle of water or a warm beverage and a packed lunch is suggested.
  • As most our costs are incurred long before the actual trip, rental or tour takes place, we are bound to the following cancellation fees:

    • 90 Days before tour start: Full refund
    • 90 – 61 days before tour start: 75% refund
    • 60 – 30 days before tour start: 50% refund
    • 30 or fewer days before tour start: No refund possible

    Exceptions to this cancellation policy cannot be made for any reason, including, terrorism, civil unrest or personal emergencies. If unforeseen circumstances require a change in itinerary, we will make every effort to work out an alternative solution. If for any reason we cannot start the tour, due to circumstances, including but not limited, to severe weather, mechanical breakdown or road closures, you will receive a full refund.

Tales from Tundra North